Worship Service (What to Expect)
A worship service is every Sunday at 10:00 am. The worship service lasts for about one hour. This traditional service follows an order of service outlined in each week's bulletin. Those who are able stand for hymns. The congregation sits during prayers, scripture readings and the sermon.

Children in worship
Children are encouraged to join us during the service. Toys and colouring sheets are always available for their use. These toys/sheets are found in the "Welcome Children" basket in the entryway(narthex). Some noise is accepted during worship. If children are particularily rambuctious, a "Quiet room" is available to use. The "quiet room" is a sound dampened room with a speaker broadcast so that the youngster(s) can make noise and the caregiver can see and hear the service.
Hymns are all accompanied by a piano or organ. Sometimes the hymn is also accompanied with additional instruments (Bass Fiddle, Tuba, Flute, etc.). All hymns are led by a 2-10 member choir. The congregation is encouraged to join in with all hymns. At times the choir pesents an anthem, a soloist, or special music.

Communion is celebrated once per month. Usually on the first Sunday of the month during the regular service. All people in attendance that Sunday are ecouraged to join in communion. Those not wishing to receive communion can receive a blessing instead. Communion is served in stations, where congregants come forward to receive communion. Those unable to move to a communion station can have communion served in the pew. Make sure that a communion server is aware of your need.

Hospitality after Service
Everone is invited to the Library or MacKinnon Hall for hospitality after the service. Over a cup of coffee/tea/juice and a snack people can visit and talk to their neighbors. This is a good chance to get to know your fellow congregants. Many congregants wear name tags to make connections easier. Join us in the Library or MacKinnon Hall at the end of the service for coffee time!