Donate by Mail
Click on the above to make a donation by mail. You will go to page with a form to fill
out and the address. Print the form to mail it. Make a cheque payable to "St. Andrew's United Church"
(1000 Huckvale Place, WL BC, V2G 4L2). St. Andrew's UC will issue a tax recipt.
Donations to Ministry and Service Fund
Donations can be made directly to the church or through your envelope or PAR.
Pre-Authorized Remitance (monthly givings)
PAR can be set up at the church using a form that your bank will use for monthly donations. This form can be updated or edited at any time, the PAR giving should be reviewed annually to be sure that the PAR levels are what you want. If you are on PAR you will still get envelopes for extra or special apeals (donations).
Offering Envelopes
Offering Envelopes are offered to each adherent. If you haven't received your envelopes or are new and would like envelopes, simply see Karen in the office and she will set you up, or you can put a note in the collection plate (with name/address) and it will be delivered to Karen. Envelopes allow you to designate your offering each week between General, M&S, Building and "Other" funds. If you are designating "Other", please indicate what it is for so the donation can be sent to the correct place. Designation of "Other" is where to donate to world appeals or other special appeals.
Click on the the link above to make a donation. You will go to a Canada Helps donation page where a secure donation can be made. (See below for details)
Q & A about the donation process through Canada Helps
About Canada Helps - CanadaHelps is a registered charity on a mission to make giving simple. Through, anyone can donate online to any registered Canadian charity. CanadaHelps allows charities to receive online donations without the expense of setting up their own secure donation site. The Canada Helps website launched in 2000. More Information
Tax Receipts - CanadaHelps issues the tax receipt for all donations made through their site. CanadaHelps uses its own charitable business number for receipting purposes. The tax receipt is the full amount of the donation including the disbursement fee. The church will thank the donor for the donation. More Information
Cost - CanadaHelps assesses a small (3.9%) transaction charge on each donation. This fee is deducted from the donation before being disbursed to the church, and covers all aspects of processing the transaction, including the credit card merchant rate, credit card transaction charge, reconciliation, receipting and disbursement-related costs. The tax receipt is for the full amount of the donation including the disbursement fee. More Information
Credit Card Security- All information, including personal and financial information are securely protected behind multiple security measures from the time the donor begins a donation through to leaving the site. For a detailed explanation of the security of the CanadaHelps site, please read their security statement: Protecting donor security and privacy online is a most important task. Donor information is collected for tax receipting purposes. Donors have control over how much of their information will be shared with the church – donor information is never shared with other charities. CanadaHelps does not share, trade, sell or otherwise use donor information in any manner that is not approved by the donor. More Information
Donation types - The "Donate Now" Pages accept donations by credit card, including Visa, Mastercard and Amex, these donations can be either a one-time donation or a monthly gift. More Information
Contacts - St. Andrew's United Church in Williams Lake, BC Phone # 250-398-6745
CanadaHelps Phone # 416-628-6948 (Toronto, Ontario)
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