Prayer Circle
The Prayer Circle is a group of congregation members who
have made a commitment to pray daily for the people who are on the
prayer list. Maureen Margetts organizes meetings every second month on the
first Sunday of the month after church. At those meetings, the list is
reviewed and amended as needed.
The list of people on the prayer list is confidential - only those in the Prayer Circle know who are being prayed for. Anyone can be added to the list for daily prayers. If you know of anyone who needs special daily prayers, you are invited to call Maureen Margetts to have the person added to the list. That person's name will be added immediately.
Also, the Prayer Circle is happy to have more members. So if you feel you can make the time and commitment, please call Maureen Margetts, or come out to our next meeting (every second month on the first Sunday of the month after church).